Tuesday, September 11, 2012

AMSOIL Dealer Sales Blog: Seeing the forest through the trees and seeing the tree through the forest.

This is a great new blog post by AMSOIL Regional Sales Manager Tim Golden. 

AMSOIL Dealer Sales Blog: Seeing the forest through the trees and seeing the tree through the forest.

It can be difficult seeing the the forest through the trees. The key to any prospecting campaign is to figure out what target market you are interested in, become an expert in that markets needs and wants. Then go after those type of customers. When you have completed your campaign then move on to the next type of customer.

Great write-up Tim!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

AMSOIL Dealer Sales Blog: Recruit with Purpose

AMSOIL Dealer Sales Blog: Recruit with Purpose: Recruit with Purpose
What would you rather have: 100 downline Dealers who never do anything with their AMSOIL business or 10 downline Dealers who embrace the AMSOIL business opportunity and build large organizations? Easy question and obvious answer, right?