Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wondering when the $1000 bill will come back

Believe it or not, the United States used to print a one thousand dollar bill. With all the printing of money by the federal reserve you can be sure it won't be long even a $100 bill won't buy you much. Even today $100 is a night at the movies for a family of 4.

While the $1000 bill was taken out of circulation back in 1969, there are still a few of these floating around. Some say the Treasury stopped printing these because of the drug trade, in reality back in the 1960's and 70's one thousand dollars was a lot of money. Today not so much.

So before it happens take action now, one day will will see one thousand, ten thousand and even possibly one-hundred thousand dollar bills. When a fiat currency has no constraints on printing, it will return to it's "intrinsic value" which is the value of the paper.

They [the government] says that inflation is under control and low. But if you are one buying gas, groceries, and other goods you will probably think differently. Even a conservative estimate is that we have 5-7% inflation and even higher when you look at the costs of contining education.

How can you protect yourself from inflation? Is there any hope?

You can begin right now! Start a inflation proof business. Something that will increase when the higher inlfation hits.
As they say, find a product that is consumable, one that you can get repeat commissions on and one that is needed whether times are good or times are tough!

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