Saturday, July 10, 2010

I have quit, but haven't failed

I wanted to write today about being a quitter versus being a failure.  Why is it that people quit, then call themselves a failure? Failing is a one time event when you fail to complete a task in a given amount of time. If you are doing a task that doesn't have a time line, like building a home based business, it's really impossible to fail. The only way to fail is to do absolutely nothing.

I have quit many things in my life. Some things were positive and others were things I either lost interest in or took another direction. For the positive things, I've quit smoking cigarettes, quit drinking alcohol (for over 2 years), quit consuming caffeine. Sometimes it's hard to be a quitter, I've never quit building my home business. 

I was listening to a youtube video put out by Tim Sales, who is a professional MLM trainer. He gives some great arguments against the old adage that most people lose money in Network Marketing, The truth is most people quit. It's almost impossible to fail at it because building a homebased MLM business happens over time. Some people do it faster than others, but anyone who goes out and gets customers on a regular basis is a success in my book. The whole most people "lose money" in MLM is also looked at in the wrong way. In this economy most people who bought a house in the last 3 years have lost money. Does that mean that no one should buy a house? Or that home owners are a "failure"? I don't think so, most people lose money in MLM because they are not spending time/money on the activities that will bring them the returns on their investment. I have spent money on things that did not return on my investment, but I have never lost money in my business. Even in the beginning I saw that registering customers, taking orders, and building that base has paid me back every single month in residual income. To this day I still prospect and add new customers each and every month.

Check out the video below, I hope that you come to the same conclusion that I have. Most people quit most things. But to fail in Network Marketing is just not possible.

If you are going be a quitter, start today by quitting all those bad things that are holding you back, slowing you down, and keeping you from being ALL YOU CAN BE! Like Michael Jordan says....Just Do it!

-Quit procrastinating
-Quit doubting yourself
-Quit being judgmental of others
-Quit sitting around watching others be more successful
-Quit those bad habits that are ruining your health like smoking, drinking too much, eating too much.
-Quit worrying about your financial future, by building your home based business

Start today, change those habits and by the end of the week you will see positive results in your life, your business, and your relationships.

To your success!

Michael Sparks-Entrepreneur

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