Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is News and Politics Bringing your Business Down?

Today is election day in america. Imagine that, millions and millions of people going out to "pull the lever" on the favorite candidate (or least unfavorable candidate) in hopes that some things will change, and hopes that some things will stay the same. The question you must ask yourself is, How much will all this change my own personal situation? Jim Rohn says "Not Much."

It's your own personal philosophy that determines your future. You can start at any moment you choose to take responsibility for the changes necessary to create a better future for yourself and your family. Humans are the only life form that can make changes like this. Develop the ability to redesign your future, tear up the script from the last 5 years, 10 years etc.....

Maybe you have pennies in your pocket, maybe you don't have the relationship you want, maybe you're overworked, out of shape, over weight and you are blaming everything but the real reasons for the mess you are in.

Reading the books, listening to the tapes, working with positive, successful and outgoing people are what changed my life. The Democrats and Republicans had nothing to do with it. The negative news on TV every night had nothing to do with it. I'm telling you turn all that negativity into something useful that you can take hold of and use to your advantage.

Jim Rohn was a speaker and business philosopher that has helped me tremendously. I started listening to Jim in the very beginning of my business venture and his words rang so deep with me that to this day I am a different man for listening.
With many quotes, ideas and sayings, you cannot go away without using some of his stuff. The Challenge to Succeed is a must for any listening library. This 6 CD set covers every idea you need to make yourself a better life. Some ideas that really seem appropriate for days like today.

Jim Rohn says:
"How come you find yourself in an unfortunate position, age 25. I had more of a tendency to blame the Government. It's those Democrats. I used to blame interest rates, or I used to blame taxes. Taxes are too high. Guess what the top tax rate was when I started paying taxes? Ninety-One percent, top federal tax rate. Now the top federal tax rate is about thirty-three percent. But people are still saying taxes are too high. See that old dog won't hunt as we say in Mississippi"

You see your personal philosophy is what matters."If you just depend on the wind that blows to determine your future you will be blown into the rocks. You can't depend just on the wind. The same wind blows on us all. It's the set of the sail that determines where each of us is heading."

Regardless of the wind that blows it takes you to where you want to go, as long as you have the right tools. You can do anything you wish to if you put your mind to it. Start today with the right tools, using your own mind, your own ability to learn something new and find new ideas that can really effect change.

As I sit here listening to the local news I'm wondering who is going to win in this election today across the country? I know for certain after pulling that lever who the real winner is:

I am a winner with my personal philosophy!

So as you leave your polling place today, think for a second. What real change Am I going to make in my life?

Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur

Nov 2, 2010 is dedicated to the late Jim Rohn (September 17, 1930 - December 5, 2009)

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