Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year. It's 2011

In reality New Years is just another day on the calendar. I don't understand why it's celebrated so much. Really, why do folks need a reason to party. If you want to stay up til mid-night, get drunk, kiss another drunk person why not just do it? Why wait until that one day of the year when you take down an old calendar and put a new one up? Oy Vey! Ahh too much pondering this early.

For me, the new year is not a time to celebrate, but more a time for peaceful reflection, as well as enthusiastic anticipation looking towards a new goal, a new year and bigger and better things. Those New Years resolutions are not something I normally follow. I do look back on what worked last year to decide if I want to keep doing what I'm doing or make changes. This year will bring about a few changes, mostly in they way I'm doing things.

For one, I'm glad to have started this blog. The good news is that I will keep doing this for the foreseeable future. People need to know what Michael Sparks is up to. People also need inspiration, knowledge and helping reaching their own personal goal. The future for most people is a scary thing. We are still reading of layoffs, downsizing, and jobs moving overseas. I just can't help but think what it will take to survive in the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years. As they say Times are Changing, and if you are not ready or willing to change with the times you will become obsolete.

I'm starting to change the focus of this blog form one of business building to one of Economic Survival. That's your economic survival. Not only building business but ideas that will help you get through what lies ahead. I don't claim to know all the answers. What I do know is that I have a genuine interest in helping others, and want to help make this world a better place. Lets start off 2011 right by joining together and helping each other.

Top things to do in 2011 to help with your own personal economic situation.

1. Pay off your bills. Dave Ramsey in The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness says start with smallest to largest, no matter what the interest rate is. This is more feeling that it is numbers. As you pay off those bills you will gain momentum.
2. Work on your own personal residence. How can you make it more efficient?
3. Drive Less
4. Learn to do more things yourself. Do you pay others to do things like mow the yard, or fix things. Learn to do it yourself.
5. Get rid of your TV. Or at least get rid of the Cable/Dish. Even if you still want something to watch, check out Netflix. For $10 per month you can watch all kinds of movies, TV series and more.
6. Get out and walk or exercise. This will help you in the long run reduce your health care expenditures.
7. Work part time or start your own business. Think of something you enjoy doing and try to earn money with this.
8. Take a backyard vacation. Instead of going somewhere why not spruce your own place up, and take a vacation at home? Saves money and increases the value of your home.

These are just a few money saving ideas that I have done that has saved me money.

On starting and building a business, which is my forte consider a home based business. This will allow you to take deduction on your taxes. Also consider a business that has consumable products that need to be bought and used on a regular basis. It just seems smart to get paid over and over again for one initial effort.
On the DVD Brilliant Compensation DVD, Tim Sales explains how network marketing / MLM works and how it really is the fairest business model out there. I am very passionate about this type of business model and believe it really is the future of business in the 21st century. Even if all you do is get the DVD and watch it, I promise it will open your eyes on this industry. Go ahead and just Do It!

Another thing to think about is your relationships. How have you worked towards increasing your relationships? Helping others, being kind, caring and interacting is what will help us all get through these troubled times. Work hard in this new year to cement your relationships with others. Several ideas to consider: Connect with others on Social Media sites like facebook. Send cards letting others know you are thinking of them. Invite others to join you in activities. This could be as simple as a backyard BBQ or may a day out to the park. Find common interests. Volunteer your time.

Zig Ziglar says, "You Can Only Get What You Want, If You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want". And this is true. Make this your motto for the coming year and your economic survival will be a piece of cake. See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition

Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur.

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