Saturday, October 9, 2010

Answer to the Secret

Maybe you know maybe you don't know, but The Secret is a book that was written around the premise of the power of your own mind to attract the things in life that you want. This "Law of Attraction" is what has made many in history successful or smart, or famous. After all you are what you think about.

To Create that life of abundance or that life of happiness you must first have the thought in your mind, then act upon those thoughts. We call these I am statement. After all when the mind can conceive the body can achieve. Likewise, you can not conceive of it, then there is no way to act upon nothing, therefore you will achieve nothing.

We recently took a trip to UTAH to attend a conference for a company that specializes in helping others act on their promptings. You see a prompting is little more than a thought to do something. It's a feeling that you have that makes you want to do kind things for or to others. A prompting could be the thought that you express your appreciation to someone by saying thank you, or maybe call up someone on the phone that just popped into you head. The company we visited uses real greeting cards to allow someone to go on the internet, and in a few seconds create a card, click send and the card will be mailed out to that person.

Creating a life of abundance must first begin with giving unto others, then allowing that giving to be received back. You see it's difficult to say thank you without the other person saying "you're welcome" This prompting is noted in the other mind, with the acceptance of the "thank you" which then in turn that person wants to return this thank you by acknowledgment of the "you're welcome". If you keep giving out, eventually you will begin to receive. This subconscious process works in ways like the advertising market works. Plant that seed in your mind over and over--this is why we are bombarded with ads over and over. You plant seeds in others mind and you will then be at the forefront of what they think about. You send someone a card, the act of opening it, reading it, feeling it and touching the card will put that thought directly in the front of their mind. You will be what they think about at that very second.

What I want to talk about is using subconscious processes to allow you to attract abundance in your life by getting on the forefront of thousands of persons minds. This can be possible by using tools and techniques. Staying in contact is a great way, using Social Networking, sending cards, calling and meeting in person are some ways to get started. Also note that if you are trying to sell someone, or trying to influence them, this will not work. You must sincerely want to connect with others on a personal level. This is easier said than done, but when you are able to connect personally the connection between you and that other person will be long lasting and hard to break.

From the Secret, we got the Answer. The Answer is a book written by John Assaraf and Murray Smith that delves deeper into how the subconscious mind works. I've read the book several years ago, but have recently picked it up again after listing to some of the speakers at the Convention.

The Answer Offers a step by step process for anyone who desires more success and abundance in their life. Using cutting-edge research into brain science and quantum physics, they show how readers can actually rewire their brains for success and create the kind of extraordinary lives they want. By teaching readers how to attract and use newly discovered "uncommon" senses to achieve business success, the authors demonstrate the beliefs, habits, thoughts, and actions that they have used to build eighteen multimillion-dollar companies.

The Power locked inside our own minds can be used to create any life you desire, use the techniques like the law of attraction, the law of gestation and the law of action. After a renewed sense of wanting to take my business to the next level. A reread of The Answer just might be "My Answer".

Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur

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