Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flying to build your business

I just love to fly. The question is why? Here are some ideas that will allow you to expand your mind and think about "the bigger picture"

For me flying isn't something I necessarily enjoy because of the security, the hassle, and the all the germs being spread around. So you must realize my love of flying has more to do with a business aspect that I will now explain. Flying allows me to realize, visually how big our state, our country and the world is. As we leave the ground I can see cars whizzing down the road, rows and rows of houses, large office buildings, malls, and businesses as well as hundreds of thousands of acres of farm land. I realize the untapped business potential is essentially endless (in personal terms) meaning I know that I will never be able to work with every single person out there, though I do have the potential to work with many more customers than I currently do.

My other love as I look down is the fact that we are traveling at 300 or more miles per hour. The efficiency of doing business in distant places allows anyone to jump on a plane and in a short time be in another state, or country. Matter of fact as I write this I'm sitting on a plane headed to Florida for a business meeting. It wasn't that long ago really when flying was prohibitively expensive. Today my ticket will cost less than it would cost me to drive from Tennessee to Orlando and back, let alone the extra time it would take to drive.

In my businesses, where just about everyone is a potential customer, it makes sense to have connections, customers, and business partners anywhere I go. Flying to Florida we are turning a business event into an opportunity to connect with friends, as well as meet new folks.

I guess its not so much the act of going through the hassles of getting on the plane, but more the perspective it gives me that there is a whole world full of people out there that I haven't met yet.

Happy Networking,

Michael Sparks - Entrepreneur

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