Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Understanding the Power of Social Networking

Lately the explosion of social networking sites is being touted as the next way in person to person communication. Just think it wasn't that long ago when the rotary telephone was the king of communication for about 30-40 years. In just 2-3 years online networks of people have grown at an exponential pace.

What I would like to hopefully get across today is the power of using social networks. Unlike mailing or telephone, most people that use social networks are more available than ever before. In the past staying in touch meant sending a letter or giving a phone call. It was very difficult to keep up with large groups of friends, acquaintances and colleagues from the past. Now all you have to do it to add those people to your social network and you can contact, track their activity or simply stay in touch. Anyone over 25 years old, has probably 2000 or more people that have interacted with since birth. Can you image that gradeschool friend that moved away in the 3rd grade that you always wondered what happend to them? Using a social network could have let you stay in touch with them all this time no matter where they were in the world. As long as they had a computer and logged in to that network periodically.

Secondly, social networks can put you in touch with others of like mind or interest. Maybe you are in the polictical movement or have an interest in certain kinds of cars, or music or a sport or hobby. You can, though your current friends and contact find others with similar interests. This can also be used as a business contact tool for getting in touch with new potential customers.

Right now I"m reading a book called 33 Million People in the Room, How to create, Influence, and Run a successful business with Social Networking. This book goes over the power of just 25 people in a room that could potentially connect you with 33 million others. The way this works is mind boggling, but it follows the 6 degrees of separation theory. That you are connected everyone in the world removed from 6 other people. This is why social networks can grow at an exponential rate.

You will also learn about the various social network sites, and how to use them. The author will give advantages as well as disadvantages of using each of the listed sites. I feel this book is a must read for anyone who is just starting to use one of the social networking and trying to figure all this out.

In the short couple hundred pages you will understand really undstand if using social networking to build your business is right for you. (It really should be)

My current social networking favorites are Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. I have also used myspace in the past, but it seems more geared towards music groups than anything.

You can connect with me via social networking by checking out my pages.

Michael Sparks-Entrepreneur

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Building a $1 Million a Year Business

Lets just say upfront, this post is not for someone who just wants to sell a few products to friends and family. Anyone can become an AMSOIL dealer for just $30 per year.

Continue reading if you are someone that is REALLY SERIOUS about building a large AMSOIL business that would earn in excess of One Million Dollars Per Year.

This post is for someone who desires to be the leader, the #1 money earner, the top of the company. You will be one that will sacrifice a lot in order to get what they want. The Truth is, most won't do it, they will quit, burn out, blow up or die trying. This is like a Military Battle, you don't go into battle with a "just see what happens attitude". If you don't train to fight and fight to win you are dead in battle. Your AMSOIL business should be the same. Train to Win, Work to Win, Live to Win.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT "MOST OF THE TIME!"........If you live, breathe, eat, sleep your AMSOIL business, you will be able to generate that $1,000,000 per year business.

What if you owned any other business? A business that you had invested your life savings into. You bet the farm on this business and it's a sink or swim proposition. Would you not put everything you had into making it a successful business? You would use every waking minute to MAKE IT SUCCESSFUL. I've seen small business owners work 80 hours a week. NOW THAT'S COMMITMENT!

This is the way to approach your AMSOIL business. Even though you don't have your life savings invested in it, acting like you do will bring immediate success on your part. If you are satisfied with the way your life is right now, if you think your on the gravy train. WELL MOVE OVER, I"m rolling on by you. Get out of my way. That's the attitude to have. When you are at the front, you will know it because everyone is kicking you in the behind. You said you want to build a Million dollar per year AMSOIL Business, right?

The solution: AMSOIL has more dealer programs than you can shake a stick at. You can buy products, and retail them, (that wont' make your a million). You can register preferred customers, they buy at wholesale, (that still won't make you a million either). You go around setting up Commercial and Retail-On-The-Shelf accounts, you would be getting warmer, but it won't make you a MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR. All of these programs are there to support the dealer in building his business. Getting off the ground, is what those will do, but if you want to make it to the big time, if you want to be able to dramatically increase your earning potential by 5, by 10, by 100 by 1000. The only way to earn $1 MILLION a year is to Sponsor, Train, and Teach. Say it with me Sponsor, Train, and Teach. 

Building a high level Multilevel Marketing business requires WORK, it requires skills you don't think you have, but I can tell you now that they can be learned. Anyone with the desire, motivation, and determination can build a $1 Million per year business. According to AMSOIL's literature: "The overriding priority in our Marketing Plan is a business opportunity for AMSOIL Dealers. AMSOIL Inc. provides programs and support mechanisms to help AMSOIL Dealers earn residual income mainly through the sponsorship and training of other AMSOIL Dealers, as well as the utilization of the sales programs."

There it is folks, right from the horses mouth. The Sponsoring and Training of other AMSOIL Dealers. AMSOIL Tells it like it is. Sponsoring in the AMSOIL business is helping others get started as AMSOIL Dealers, there are millions of people out there right now that would like to find a "legitimate" way to have their own business. The AMSOIL/AGGRAND/ALTRUM product line represents a highest quality product to allow dealers the ability to build a large and profitable business, and even earn $1 Million per year. I've spoken with Mr. Amatuzio personally and he assured me there are no sales caps, no ceiling for dealers that want to earn as much as they would like. They might die trying, but AMSOIL won't hinder the success of any dealer that wants to be at the top.

Sponsor, Train, and Teach.

The Million Dollar per year business you want to develop will come by sponsoring a lot of new dealers! Sponsoring is the name of the game. When you sponsor new dealers, YOU MUST LEARN TO IDENTIFY LEADERS and work with those leaders. Look for the ones that have a tendency to "do it on their own" without you "having to hold their hand". They Order their own products, setup their own accounts, call you for questions or to help with new dealers. Leaders do what is necessary to be successful. Leaders wear their AMSOIL clothing, have signs on their vehicles and answer their phone "AMSOIL this is Michael". These are people that you want to focus on helping the most.

Training these new dealers (and old for that matter) will bring the most growth to your AMSOIL Business. Training is how the business works. Training is learning about products, customer service, registering customers, follow up, sales, and leadership. Training will take up a significant portion of time in the beginning, but will pay off by having a learned behavior that will put the tools in place for your new dealer to succeed. Many folks are smart enough to see the advantages of having an AMSOIL business, but lack the necessary skills to put in motion the things that will achieve the best results. Attending AMSOIL sponsored events is a first key step in learning about products and the way the AMSOIL business works. Next is to find tools that allow efficiency of time using tools like a computer, email, outlook, bookkeeping software, will help grow your business faster than not using those tools. Learn all you can about reaching new customers and potential dealers. Social Networking is the new "Cold Call". Learn to get the most out of your current "networks".

Teaching is how life works. "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he feeds a village". Helping others, leading by example, and giving will build your business. It's often said that "Help enough get what they want, and you will have everything you want", or "Help enough pay their bills, and your bills will disappear". Teaching is the full circle to the sponsoring process, it's like having children, you don't just have children, then leave them to their own devices, you must teach them in order for them to grow up and be productive members of society. In turn you much teach your TEAM to do those things necessary to become successful at life as well as business.

Meetings, successful high level dealers have meetings. Get organized, get folks together. Have monthly, or even weekly meetings. Encourage your dealers to bring someone new. Encourage your dealers to have their own meetings, when you get this process accomplished you now have a Direct Jobber in the makings. Attending company meetings, this is a no brain'er, but for some reason you don't see many dealers at these functions. I take this as a good sign, that means that are not very many Serious AMSOIL dealers out there. That's less competition for me, and you if you are Serious about building an AMSOIL business.

The Purpose of a meeting is to instill good sales and sponsoring habits in your TEAM that will build your AMSOIL business to the MOON. These habits are Sponsor, Train, and Teach. You could also say Prospect, Sell, Refer. Prospect for new business, sell more products, and have your happy customers refer business to you.

Work on yourself, work on being a better leader, work on training others to be better leaders. This is how you build a $1 Million dollar per year business.

DEDICATION TO YOUR BUSINESS IS THE ONLY WAY TO EARN LARGE SUMS OF MONEY! Set your goals high, work on those goals every single day. Goals are written and have an end time on them. Goals are also reasonable, meaning that it's something that you can do. Share you goals with your sponsor, your regional sales manager RSM,  your Direct Jobber and with your significant other. If you don't share your goals, you may be reaching too low, or have to lower your expectations a bit. Sharing goals with your spouse can make a huge impact on your business (both good and bad) having your spouse on board will help with your self esteem, help you have the vision and the motivation to achieve those goals, on the other hand not sharing those goals can cause resentment, or strained relationships because they don't understand why, or what you are doing. Write your goals, and share them with others. This is a must to build a $1 Million per year business.

Getting Serious about your business only requires one thing. That's for YOU to set in motion the factors of success.

THERE ARE NO LIMITS AS TO HOW BIG YOUR BUSINESS CAN BE! You and you alone are the limiting factor. In the next 5 years, synthetic oil, organic fertilizer and nutritional supplements will grow by 5 by 10 by 100 who knows? The thing that I know is that the business that I create will be growing by 5 by 10 by 100 by 1000. Remember the dial telephone? Remember when cell phones first came out and were basically the size of a brick and only rich people had them? How many hundred thousands of percent growth has the cell phone industry grown? Your business will grow like that if you let it.

Last thought, How much money were you making 5 years ago? Are you still in the same place you were? Are you begging for a 5 cent raise? Or are do you wake up wondering if you will be outsourced, downsized, or even fired? How can you live a life like that?  Do you think that 3 to 5 years of concentrated, persistent effort will change your current situation? Do you think there are others out there in that exact situation? Do you think they could use your help, your guidance your leadership and your friendship?


Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur
Think and Grow Rich

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stay At Home Dads, breaking the Stereotype

Recently watched a CNN news article about all the out of work and stay at home Dads that were having a hard time making it work. The article set light on the fact that these Dad's were sometimes treated as outcasts or stereotyped that the man should be the bread winner in the family.

Since 1996 after an 8 year stint in the ARMY as an active duty Saxophone player I've been basically a stay at home dad. I've worked several jobs yes but nothing in the "bread winner" category. Prior to my divorce in 2005 my wife was the main bread winner. What I had found was there was really nothing that I wanted to do more than to be able to be there for my family. I wanted to be the one that could show up at school functions, or pick up and take to dance lessons etc. I feel this has shaped the relationship between myself and my daughter more than anything. I guess I'm her "steady"-- the person that's always there when needed.

I've been the lonely man at many a dance recital where it was mostly moms. Good thing I'm not shy, I've had many an interesting conversation with other moms.

Where I think the article lacks is the fact that many dads can get more done. They can cook, clean, mow the yard, change oil in the cars, help with homework and be a positive role model for children in a world where the father is often times absent.

There is a great book that Dave Ramsey recommends called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.  This book is a great place to find answers for those new stay at home dads. The companion book to this is Boys Should Be Boys: 7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons by Meg Meeker as well.

If your a stay at home dad, put these 2 books on your summer reading list.

If there is ever a better time to become a stay at home dad now is the time. There are many areas that stay at home dads could put a positive impact on the family unit. Some of these include, finding ways to reduce expenses, networking in the local area, volunteering, as well as maybe starting that dream job you've always wanted to do.

There has never been a better time for guys to start a new career. For a couple years after my Army Career I bounced around from several part time jobs, I went to school, until one day I stumbled upon my dream job. I had always wanted to have my own business. Being a stay at home dad allowed my the time to do things that most people don't have the time or the energy to do. I was able to learn new skills (on my own mind you) like basic HTML, networking, sales, and business development. Setting off on my new found career gave me the motivation to keep on going, and working toward being financially independent by the time I was 40.

I have never followed the stereotypical stay at home dad. I've been able to go out during the day when my children were in school working when I could and being there for them. It is my hope that maybe a stay at home dad, that isn't feeling so happy out being at home reads this. Maybe they too could make the change of a life time as well as impact the lives of those that matter most--their children. Besides that learning the new skills of starting and operating a "home based business" could give that stay at home dad the ability to once again be the bread winner.

Since my divorce in 2005 I've been able to continue to be a stay at home dad and with a teenager being able to keep the bill collectors at bay is no easy feat. With the help of Dave Ramsey and The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness I was able to reduce my expenses, increase my income and still be there for her.  I have been the custodial parent since 2007. And I have many a gray hair to prove it. 

In the future as my daughter is about to graduate I feel like I'm in a great position to be able to continue to impact and give support to her. Since I won't be a stay at home dad any longer I will have to reclassify as a Financially Independent Home Business Owner. I'm looking forward to the day, when I can leave town for as long as I want, travel with the people that I want and work with as well as enjoy life like others only dream of. Like Dave Ramsey says. "I've lived like no other, so that now I can live like no other."

Please feel free to comment on my article. If you have a stay at home dad story, please share it.

In closing as I have been able to be the stay at home dad, I've also finished a career in the National Guard with over 21 years of service, I've bought my own home as well as saved for retirement, and have a good emergency savings. While I'm not quite debt free yet, its on my list of accomplishment in the next few years.

Wish me luck.

Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Go-Giver Book Review

Just finished reading The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

What an exciting and easy to read book. As a seasoned sales professional I wasn't sure what this book would bring me, but I received as a gift and a recommendation from a business partner. I can tell you I was not disappointed.

On the front of the book there is a sub-title that says: " A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea"

What this tells me is that the book is in story format, as opposed to just a learning book that is full of abstract ideas and details. This books helps you learn the basic concept of learning to be a giver so that you can receive more in return.

Most sales people are always thinking how they can get something from someone, maybe a new sale, or maybe a lead from the people. It's very hard to have the right mindset that the more you help others, the more it helps you, and this book helps you understand that.

There are Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.

#1. The Law of Value- Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

#2. The Law of Compensation- Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well  you serve them.

#3. The Law of Influence- Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place others people's interests first.

#4. The Law of Authenticity- The most valuable gift  you have to offer is yourself.

#5. The Law of Receptivity- the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

    After reading hundreds of books on sales, success, leadership and such. I would recommend this a new person just starting out. It's easy to read and only 125 pages.

    This book is on "Michael's Reading List" located on the right side in the links section. It's my top recommendation for beginners and for those that don't read well.

    Here is to your success!

    Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur and Go-Giver.

    Tuesday, June 8, 2010

    Ying and Yang, Success and Failure, Give and Receive

    You want success don't you? You want to know that what you are doing right now in your business, life, and relationships will pay off....Well I'm here to tell you they won't, at least not all of them, at least not right away.

    Life if full of opposites. That is just they way it is. These are things you cannot change and even to ponder why will make your head spin. I say just don't do it. Don't wonder these things of "why". Why this, why that, why me. Why, why, why....

    Can you have light without darkness? I don't think so.

    Can you have Love without hate? I just love love love all the time, I think they would lock you up.

    Can you have success without failure? I haven't seen it. At some point we all fail. The question is will we get the skills, the knowledge, the perserverence to get past the failure and go on to even bigger and better things?

    Many people are living Zombies, going day to day because they are afraid to try something new and fail at it. I'm here to tell you if you don't try and fail you will be a zombie for the rest of your life, then look back and wonder where did my life go.

    The law of reciprocity is that have to give in order to receive. While this may be true, you cannot just keep on giving without having the ability to receive what others are offering. Once you have trained  yourself to open up and be able to receive, then you will see that you are in an even bigger position to give.

    I cannot explain this exactly, but I do believe it to be true. Life is about giving, but also receiving. These acts are the foundation of life, the interaction with the human species and all things in nature. 

    Practice this principle and you will see your results multiply. Practice receiving what others are offering, they are doing it I promise, it's human nature.

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Excerpt from "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg and John David Mann:

    "What I'm here to sell you on is you."

    "People, remember this: no matter what your training, no matter what your skills, no matter what area you're in, you are your most important commodity. The most valuable gift you have to offer is you."

    "Reaching any goal you set takes ten percent specific knowledge or technical skills----ten percent, max. The other ninety-plus is people skills."

    "And what's the foundation of all people skills? Liking People? Caring about people? Being a good listener? Those are all helpful, but they're not the core of it. The core of it is who you are. It starts with you."

    "As long as you're trying to be someone else, or putting on some act or behavior someone else taught you, you have no possibility of truly reaching people. The most valuable thing you have to give people is yourself. No matter what you think you're selling, what you're really offering is you."


    This is so powerful, right here say all that really matters. This isn't self centered, but it's what you have to offer. Getting a job, starting a business, meeting a new friend, it's all what you bring to the table.

    The question I ask, is can you work on being a better you?

    Of Course you can. Reading the books, interacting with others, learning how to be yourself will help you.

    We are all "individuals" in a connected world. How you interact with others will determine your success.

    Here's to your success.

    Michael Sparks