Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Go-Giver Book Review

Just finished reading The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.

What an exciting and easy to read book. As a seasoned sales professional I wasn't sure what this book would bring me, but I received as a gift and a recommendation from a business partner. I can tell you I was not disappointed.

On the front of the book there is a sub-title that says: " A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea"

What this tells me is that the book is in story format, as opposed to just a learning book that is full of abstract ideas and details. This books helps you learn the basic concept of learning to be a giver so that you can receive more in return.

Most sales people are always thinking how they can get something from someone, maybe a new sale, or maybe a lead from the people. It's very hard to have the right mindset that the more you help others, the more it helps you, and this book helps you understand that.

There are Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.

#1. The Law of Value- Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

#2. The Law of Compensation- Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well  you serve them.

#3. The Law of Influence- Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place others people's interests first.

#4. The Law of Authenticity- The most valuable gift  you have to offer is yourself.

#5. The Law of Receptivity- the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

    After reading hundreds of books on sales, success, leadership and such. I would recommend this a new person just starting out. It's easy to read and only 125 pages.

    This book is on "Michael's Reading List" located on the right side in the links section. It's my top recommendation for beginners and for those that don't read well.

    Here is to your success!

    Michael Sparks--Entrepreneur and Go-Giver.


    1. Hi Michael -- Thanks so much for your kind review of Bob Burg's and my little book! And please pass on my thanks and goodwill to the friend who recommended it you. Warm regards -- John

      1. John,

        I'm sorry that I never responded to this message. I was going back over my blog and am ashamed that you took the time to read my review.

        So here is a BIG THANKS for reading my blog!

        Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Hope to read more of your books soon!

        Michael Sparks

    2. Michael, thank you - what an honor to have John David Mann's and my book reviewed in your blog, and so positively. WOW! Please know how much your review is appreciated!!


      1. Bob, thanks for all you do to inspire others like my self to do more, give more and become more. Keep up the great work!
