Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ying and Yang, Success and Failure, Give and Receive

You want success don't you? You want to know that what you are doing right now in your business, life, and relationships will pay off....Well I'm here to tell you they won't, at least not all of them, at least not right away.

Life if full of opposites. That is just they way it is. These are things you cannot change and even to ponder why will make your head spin. I say just don't do it. Don't wonder these things of "why". Why this, why that, why me. Why, why, why....

Can you have light without darkness? I don't think so.

Can you have Love without hate? I just love love love all the time, I think they would lock you up.

Can you have success without failure? I haven't seen it. At some point we all fail. The question is will we get the skills, the knowledge, the perserverence to get past the failure and go on to even bigger and better things?

Many people are living Zombies, going day to day because they are afraid to try something new and fail at it. I'm here to tell you if you don't try and fail you will be a zombie for the rest of your life, then look back and wonder where did my life go.

The law of reciprocity is that have to give in order to receive. While this may be true, you cannot just keep on giving without having the ability to receive what others are offering. Once you have trained  yourself to open up and be able to receive, then you will see that you are in an even bigger position to give.

I cannot explain this exactly, but I do believe it to be true. Life is about giving, but also receiving. These acts are the foundation of life, the interaction with the human species and all things in nature. 

Practice this principle and you will see your results multiply. Practice receiving what others are offering, they are doing it I promise, it's human nature.

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